Choithram International

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Diploma Programme

Life is a journey, full of crossroads and choices and our choices affect our destiny. But let us assure you that you have made the right choice by selecting Choithram International Diploma Programme. For we teach our learners not to follow the path ahead but “to blaze their own trail.


The CI DP follows the International Baccalaureate’s Diploma Programme. Life in the 21st century, in an interconnected globalized world, requires critical thinking skills and a sense of international mindedness, both of which the IB DP students learn and understand. We provide them with the cutting edge skills needed to succeed in the 21st Century.


Our experienced, trained and committed staff assists students to achieve not only their academic potential but also helps in developing the overall persona of the learner. An open door philosophy that the school believes in makes the Principal, the Coordinators and the teachers accessible at all times.


Our motto that “Every child deserves the best” are not mere words for us but a philosophy entrenched in us. Our small class sizes of 15-20 students help our facilitators to give individual attention to every learner

The Diploma Programme

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is a challenging two-year curriculum, primarily aimed at students aged 16 to 19. It leads to a qualification that is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. More information about the Diploma Programme can be found on the IB public website


IB Diploma Programme students must choose one subject from each of five groups (1 to 5), ensuring breadth of knowledge and understanding in their best language, additional language(s), the social sciences, the experimental sciences and mathematics. Student may choose either an arts subject from group 6, or a second subject from groups 1 to 5.

Subjects Offered at DP at Choithram International :

The student can choose one subject from each of the six groups: (Minimum of three of six subjects must be at a Higher Level and three at Standard Level).

  1. Group 1 English A Lang and Lit HL/SL, Hindi A HL/SL
  2. Group 2 Hindi Language B HL/SL, French Language B HL/SL/Ab Initio.
  3. Group 3 (Individuals & Societies) Economics HL/SL, Business Management HL/SL, Digital Societies HL/SL, Psychology HL/SL,
  4. Group 4 (Sciences) Biology HL/SL, Chemistry HL/SL, Physics HL/SL, Environmental Systems and Societies SL, Computer Science HL/SL, Design Technology HL/SL
  5. Group 5 Mathematics: Application and Interpretations HL/SL Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL/SL
  6. Group 6 (Arts and Electives) Visual Arts HL/SL, Dance HL/SL

The students have two options for subject choice

  1. Option 1 The student can select one subject from each of the six groups or select the 6th subject from Group 3 Or Group 4.
  2. Option 2 Students who aspire for Medical or Engineering fields have to opt for all the three sciences from Group 4. These students will have to study 7 subjects.

Subject clusters offered at CI

  1. Cluster 1 - Biology/ Business Management
  2. Cluster 2 - Physics/ Visual Arts/ Dance
  3. Cluster 3 - Chemistry/ ESS/ Computer Science/ Design Technology
  4. Cluster 4 - Economics/ DS/ Psychology

Three Core Requirements

Extended Essay :It is a requirement for the students to engage in independent research and writing skills expected at university, through an in- depth study of questions relating to one of the subjects they are studying.. It offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest.


Theory of knowledge (TOK) : The interdisciplinary TOK course is designed to provide coherence by exploring the nature of knowledge across disciplines, encouraging an appreciation of other cultural perspectives. It is a course to encourage each student to reflect and critically examine the nature of knowledge.


Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) : Participation in the school’s CAS programme encourages students to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports and community service work, thus fostering students’ awareness and appreciation of life outside the academic arena.



Students take written examinations at the end of the programme, which are marked by external IB examiners. Students also complete assessment tasks in the school, which are either initially marked by teachers and then moderated by external moderators or sent directly to external examiners.

  1. The marks awarded for each course range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest). Students can also be awarded up to three additional points for their combined results on theory of knowledge and the extended essay. The diploma is awarded to students who gain at least 24 points, subject to certain minimum levels of performance across the whole programme and to satisfactory participation in the creativity, action, service requirement. The highest total that a Diploma Programme student can be awarded is 45 points.
  2. Assessment is criterion-related, which means student performance is measured against pre-specified assessment criteria based on the aims and objectives of each subject curriculum, rather than the performance of other students taking the same examinations. The range of scores that students have attained remains statistically stable, and universities value the rigour and consistency of Diploma Programme assessment practice.

Aims of DP Assessment

  1. DP assessment should support the curricular and philosophical goals of the programme, through the encouragement of good classroom practice and appropriate student learning.
  2. The published results of DP assessment (that is, subject grades) must have a sufficiently high level of reliability, appropriate to a high- stakes university entrance qualification.
  3. DP assessment must reflect the international-mindedness of the programme wherever possible, must avoid cultural bias, and must make appropriate allowance for students working in their second language.
  4. DP assessment must pay appropriate attention to the higher-order cognitive skills (synthesis, reflection, evaluation, critical thinking) as well as the more fundamental cognitive skills (knowledge, understanding and application).
  5. Assessment for each subject must include a suitable range of tasks and instruments/components that ensure all objectives for the subject are assessed.
  6. The principal means of assessing student achievement and determining subject grades should be the professional judgment of experienced senior examiners, supported by statistical information.
  7. Assessment for each subject must include a suitable range of tasks and instruments/components that ensure all objectives for the subject are assessed.

In the context of the Diploma Programme (DP), the term formal assessment is preferred to describe all those assessment instruments that are used to contribute to the final qualification. Some of these instruments can be used formatively during the course of study as well as summatively towards the end of it.


Recording and reporting

There are two terms in a year and at the end of each term, a summative assessment is held. In the year 1 of DP all paper components are not tested. An interim weighted average of the paper components is calculated and reported on a scale of 1 to 7. In year 2 exams, however all paper components are assessed inclusive of the internal assessments and the grade on a scale of 1 to 7 is reported as per the formal assessment and results of IB DP.


DP report card is generated for four semesters for summative assessments.The school also has an intervention policy in place. Two intervention exams are conducted in subjects that the students secure a 1 or a 2. This is done in year 2 so as to give opportunity to further develop skills in the subjects that the students are weak at. The same is recorded and reported to the parents.


Contextualized work and assessment are vital to good learning. There are two possible ways around this dilemma. First, background contextual information can be provided to students, through specification in the subject syllabus content, by providing case studies on which questions are based, or even in the examination question itself (as long as this is not too lengthy and thus distracting from the purpose of the assessment). A second method is to utilize more open-ended assessment questions and tasks that allow students to select their own context in which to respond. In the latter approach, the focus of marking must be on deeper levels of understanding, rather than on straightforward knowledge of subject content, since there will be no common basis of content.


This is very much in keeping with the DP assessment philosophy.


Even with the application of both these methods, students may find themselves dealing with assessment tasks having contexts that are not familiar to them within their own sociocultural background. This again is in keeping with Diploma Programme and assessment philosophy, in that one of the aims of the programme is to make students more open-minded to other ways of doing things, more globally aware, and more competent at operating in a non-familiar cultural environment. Part of the requirement for higher-order thinking is that students should be able to apply knowledge in unfamiliar situations. It is quite appropriate for such elements to be included in assessment, as long as they affect students from different cultural backgrounds evenly.


To achieve all of the above , the school is committed to train its teaching community by regular PD sessions. Peer classroom observations are also arranged and in departmental meetings internal standardization of student’s work is ensured whenever there is more than one teacher teaching a subject.


The Formal Assessment in DP

The formal assessment system adopted by the IBO for the DP includes elements from both linguistic and logical intelligences. There are some highly formalized assessment tasks, including multiple-choice tests, but there are also many more substantial open-ended tasks, and a focus on process through teacher marking of student projects and practical work. This range of student performances is reduced to a final subject grade (on a scale of 1 to 7) according to grade descriptors, which represent the standards for each subject. Such standards may exist on paper in generic form and be reinforced by written exemplar material, but in the final analysis the complexity and variety of information that must be synthesized in order to arrive at a judgment requires an interpretation of standards resident in the minds of the experienced senior examining team. The final DP score is given out of 45 of which a total of 42 comes from 6 subjects of 7 points each and 3 from a combination of TOK and EE grades. The final diploma score and the individual subject points including the core component grades and completion of CAS requirements determine whether the student secures a diploma or a course. For further clarifications on the criteria for the same refer to the document Handbook of Procedures.


Assessment models and the role of internal assessment

In order to provide for the formal assessment of the programme, assessment models are devised for each level (HL and SL) of each subject and also for each of the core requirements except CAS. Each model will consist of a few different assessment components, usually including a range of different tasks.


Internal assessment can take a variety of forms, from an individual oral presentation and discussion lasting ten minutes for language B courses, to a research workbook in visual arts which is each student’s personal record of their artistic development, recommended to require 72 hours of work at higher level (nearly one-third of the course). In between are cases such as the experimental sciences (group 4) internal assessment, made up at higher level of pieces of work selected from a portfolio of 60 hours of practical work and investigations (25% of total teaching time). The nature of the assessment task reflects the purpose of the internal assessment, in particular the emphasis on and type of process skills involved. This is especially the case in group 4, where particular pieces of practical work that meet certain criteria should be selected from the whole portfolio.


The school plans its Internal Assessment submission deadlines and publishes the same in the beginning of the academic year. The same needs to be strictly followed by the students.


Mark Bands

The mark bands, in effect, represent a single holistic criterion applied to the piece of work, which is judged as a whole. Because of the requirement for a reasonable mark range along which to differentiate candidate performance, each mark band level descriptor will correspond to a number of marks.The descriptors themselves tend to be fairly lengthy, covering a range of potential qualities evident in candidates’ work, and will again relate directly back to the course objectives.



The approach adopted in the DP assessment system is based on the sound criterion-related principle that no candidate’s mark should be modified solely on the basis of how other candidates around him/her have fared.The approach also has the considerable benefit of transparency in comparison to more complex models of weighting and scaling.After applying any necessary scaling, the marks and boundaries are rounded to the nearest whole number. Marks or boundaries ending in exactly 0.5 are rounded in the candidates’ favor—a mark is rounded up, while a boundary is rounded down. Then, the highest mark in each component grade is added together to give the highest mark in the corresponding subject grade.