Choithram International

Call : +91 731 2360345-46 Address : Choithram International Choithram Hospital Campus 5, Manik Bagh Road


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Choithram International believes in Green Environment and the effective use of ICT in the teaching-learning process. This enables every student of Choithram International to use ICT for their learning process in tandem with the Go-Green Philosophy.


iPad teaching – learning

Choithram International has successfully implemented teaching – learning with iPads. The big idea of using iPad as a teaching -learning device is Learning Anytime, Anywhere. The iPad facilitates our expectations of imbibing 21st century skills in our classrooms and beyond. The overall goal of the iPad is to deploy a student centric personalized instructional approach to learning where technology is utilized in meaningful and worthwhile ways. In PYP 5 when students undertake the iPad teaching – learning journey, iPad orientation sessions are conducted for the parents and students. The session shares the integration of ICT in different subject areas, and how iPads customized their learning, promoted critical thinking, creativity and helped them in improving their engagement, collaboration and communication.


The ICT Code of Conduct is the mandatory agreement taken from each student and their parents. This agreement ensures the student can use an iPad only for educational purposes at school.


Time Table Access facility through Edupage

Choithram International has an online timetable which has a time table available for all the classes. This ensures 365X24X7 access to the time table for students and parents.


In today's quickly changing educational scene, schools are continually looking for new methods to improve students' learning experiences. The introduction of a Learning Management System (LMS) in our school is one such significant breakthrough. A new LMS enables students to access learning materials and resources at any time and from any location. LMS platforms facilitate seamless communication between students, parents and teachers. Teachers can easily upload and organize course materials, assignments, and resources within the LMS.