Choithram International

Call : +91 731 2360345-46 Address : Choithram International Choithram Hospital Campus 5, Manik Bagh Road

Registration Open for the Summer Camp Session 2025-2026Registration Open for the Academic Session 2025-2026Early Year's and PYP Resource list

Eligibility Criteria for Admission:

MYP: Age 11 years – 15 years


  1. Admissions in the MYP are open from December to July and are subject to availability of seats.
  2. External students need to appear for an entrance test consisting of Math and English for MYP.
  3. There will be no entrance test for internal students
  4. Entrance examination will be followed by personal interaction of the parent and the candidate with the coordinator and thereafter an interview with the Head of school. The ultimate decision regarding admission lies with the Head of school.
  5. At the time of admission, parents and students are required to fill the Language Profiling form to help the school to identify the required language support needs of the new entrants.
  6. After acceptance parents will receive an invoice for payment of tuition fee. (according to current fee structure)

  • NOTE:In keeping with the philosophy of international education, CI does offer admission to expatriate students who do not possess fluency in English, but who can demonstrate a need for international education. Proper support and guidance will be provided to the student in this case to develop sufficient language skills and improve their academic performance.

  • Documents needed at the time of admission:

    1. Attested copy of transcripts and report cards of the previous two years where applicable.
    2. Attested copy of birth certificate or passport and two passport size photographs.
    3. Letter of recommendation from the Head of school or the Coordinator from the last attended school.
    4. Declaration from parents regarding any physical or learning disability of the child at the time of admission. All students who come under diverse learning needs are informed to the Head of school and coordinators so that wherever possible appropriate support could be provided.
    5. Language profile form to be submitted to the programme coordinators.
    6. School leaving certificate of the previous school if applicable
    7. Address proof, Parent ID
    8. Four photographs of parent and guardian/ escort

    For any other inquiries or information: [email protected]

    Registration Open for the Academic Session 2025-2026 : To Apply Click Here
    Registration for an on-site Free Orientation : Click Here
    Registrations Open for AP Board Exams May ,2025 : Click Here for More Details