Choithram International

Call : +91 731 2360345-46 Address : Choithram International Choithram Hospital Campus 5, Manik Bagh Road

Registration Open for the Summer Camp Session 2025-2026Registration Open for the Academic Session 2025-2026Early Year's and PYP Resource list

Eligibility Criteria for Admission:

Eligibility for admission for the session 2024-25:

  • EY1 (Nursery): Born Between 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2021
  • EY2 (KG1): Born Between 01.04.2019 - 31.03.2020
  • EY3 (KG2): Born Between 01.04.2018 - 31.03.2019
  • PYP1 (Grade 1): Born Between 01.04.2017 - 31.03.2018


  1. Enrolment is possible only when the admission is open (generally from December to July) – subject to availability of seats.
  2. Admission is a systematic process that includes inquiry, registration, school visit, aptitude test and interaction with the Admin and interview with the HOS.
  3. The final decision of admission lies with the Head of School.
  4. The selection criteria for Early Years is based on interaction with parents.
  5. The admission to the Primary Years Programme is confirmed only after qualifying a comprehensive aptitude test followed by parent interaction.
  6. In case the parent declares any physical or learning disability in the child the school counsellor is consulted to provide support. The counsellor report is documented and shared with the Head of School. The final decision lies with the Head of School.
  7. At the time of admission, parents along with their wards also need to fill the Language profiling form to help the school to identify the required language support needs of the new entrants.
  8. After acceptance parents will receive an invoice for payment of tuition fee (according to current fee structure).

For any other inquiries or information: [email protected]

Registration Open for the Academic Session 2025-2026 : To Apply Click Here
Registration for an on-site Free Orientation : Click Here
Registrations Open for AP Board Exams May ,2025 : Click Here for More Details