Choithram International

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Middle Years Program

The MYP has been designed as a coherent and comprehensive curriculum framework that provides academic challenge and develops the life skills of students from the ages of 11 to 16. These years are a critical period in the development of young people. Success in school is closely related to personal, social and emotional well-being. At a time when students are establishing their identity and building their self-esteem, the MYP can motivate students and help them to achieve success in school and in life beyond the classroom. The programme allows students to build on their personal strengths and to embrace challenges in subjects in which they might not excel. The MYP offers students opportunities to develop their potential, to explore their own learning preferences, to take appropriate risks, and to reflect on, and develop, a strong sense of personal identity.


The IB MYP philosophy

An IB MYP education is holistic in nature. Along with cognitive development, IB programmes and qualifications address students’ social, emotional and physical well-being. They value and offer opportunities for students to become active and caring members of local, national and global communities; they focus attention on the processes and the outcomes of internationally minded learning described in the IB learner profile.


Global engagement

Global engagement represents a commitment to address humanity’s greatest challenges in the classroom and beyond. IB MYP programme provides for sustained inquiry into a wide range of issues and ideas of significance locally, nationally and globally. IB students and teachers are encouraged to engage the world through developmentally appropriate explorations of local and global concerns, including the environment, development, conflicts, rights, and cooperation and governance.


Conceptual understanding

An IB education encompasses disciplinary knowledge and understanding that meets international university standards for rigour in terms of depth and breadth. IB programmes offer students opportunities to engage with a curriculum that is broad and balanced, conceptual and connected.


Multilingualism and intercultural understanding:

Learning to communicate in a variety of ways in more than one language is fundamental to the development of intercultural understanding in the IB. IB MYP programme, therefore, support complex, rich, dynamic learning across a range of language domains. All IB programmes mandate that students learn another language. Intercultural understanding involves recognizing and reflecting on one’s own perspective, as well as the perspectives of others. To increase intercultural understanding, IB programmes foster learning how to appreciate critically many beliefs, values, experiences, forms of expression and ways of knowing. The goal of understanding the world’s rich cultural heritage invites the IB community to explore human commonality, diversity, personal identity and interconnection.


Contextual learning

Learning and teaching in the MYP involves understanding concepts in context. All learning is contextual. A learning context is a specific setting, event or set of circumstances, designed or chosen, to stimulate learning. Contexts offer the possibility of new perspectives, additional information, counter-examples and refinements of understanding. Contexts for learning in the MYP are chosen from global contexts to encourage international- mindedness and global engagement within the programme.


Approaches to learning (ATL)

Through ATL in IB MYP programme, students develop skills that have relevance across the curriculum that help them “learn how to learn”. ATL skills can be learned and taught, improved with practice and developed incrementally. They provide a solid foundation for learning independently and with others. ATL skills help students prepare for, and demonstrate learning through, meaningful assessment. They provide a common language that students and teachers can use to reflect on, and articulate on, the process of learning.


Service and action in IB MYP programme

As students become more aware and acquire a better understanding of the context, and of their responsibilities, they become empowered to make choices about how to take thoughtful and positive action. The action may involve students in feeling empathy towards others, make small changes in their behaviour, undertake larger significant real life projects suggesting modification to an existing system,


Inclusion in the MYP

The MYP is intended to be an inclusive programme that can cater to the needs of all students. Thus, the IB strongly encourages schools to offer the MYP inclusively. Differentiated teaching practices build opportunities in which each student can develop, pursue and achieve appropriate individual learning goals.